Caring For Plants As Autumn Approaches 

When temps drop, adjust your watering schedule. Plants need water, although less than in summer. Consider each plant's water demands and water accordingly.

1. Watering

Mulch around your plants to retain moisture, adjust soil temperature, and control weeds. Slowly breaking down mulch gives organic materials to the soil.

2. Mulching

 Remove dead flowers to promote growth and prevent disease. To keep the plant healthy, prune dead or damaged branches.

3. Pruning

Many plants benefit from fall fertilization using a balanced, slow-release fertilizer. This provides nutrients and encourages root growth, preparing plants for winter.

4. Fertilizing

Watch the weather forecast. Protect vulnerable plants from frost with blankets, burlap, or frost cloth. Place potted plants indoors or under shelter.

5. Protect from Frost

Spring bulbs like tulips, daffodils, and crocuses are best planted in fall. Plant perennials in the fall to build robust root systems before winter.

6. Planting Bulbs and Perennials

Harvest any remaining garden produce before the first frost. Use or store them. Watch for fall production from some plants and harvest as needed.

7. Harvesting Fruits and Vegetables

 Remove dead plants, leaves, and other debris. This prevents mold and vermin and keeps the environment clean.

8. Cleaning Garden Beds

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