How To Choosing Sustainable Dining Option

Select eateries with seasonal, local foods. Locally grown food benefits farmers and decreases transportation emissions.

1. Local, seasonal ingredients

Think about vegetarian or vegan meals. Plant-based foods are more environmentally friendly than animal goods.

2. Vegan Options

If you like fish, go sustainable. Check MSC certificates or sustainable seafood guidelines to make educated selections.

3. Seafood Sustainability

Look for sustainable restaurant accreditation and labels. For green buildings, consider organic, Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, or LEED certification.

4. Labels and Certifications

Select eateries that reduce waste. Composting, recycling, and reducing single-use plastics are examples.

5. Reduce Waste

Local, independent restaurants are more likely to source locally and care about the neighborhood, therefore they have a smaller environmental impact.

6. Independent Establishments

Choose farm-to-table restaurants using locally produced products. This helps local farmers and provides fresher, more sustainable food.

7. Farm-to-table restaurants

Look for restaurants that use energy-efficient appliances and renewable energy.

8. Energy Savings

Choose dining establishments that implement water-saving measures, such as low-flow faucets and water-efficient dishwashing practices.

9. Conserve Water

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