Veterinarians share 10 things you should never do when taking your dog on a walk

Never Use a Retractable Leash: Retractable leashes can pose safety hazards, as they can lead to injuries or accidents if the dog gets tangled or pulls too hard.

Avoid Rushing the Walk: Allow your dog to explore and sniff their surroundings at their own pace, as rushing can cause stress and anxiety.

Never Skip the Warm-Up: Take some time to allow your dog to stretch and warm up before beginning the walk to prevent muscle strains or injuries.

Don't Forget the ID Tags: Always ensure your dog is wearing proper identification tags with updated contact information in case they get lost during the walk.

Avoid Busy Roads and High-Traffic Areas: Stick to safe and quiet routes to minimize the risk of accidents or injuries from vehicles.

Don't Ignore Signs of Distress: Pay attention to your dog's body language and signs of distress, such as excessive panting or limping, and adjust the walk accordingly.

Never Leave Waste Behind: Always clean up after your dog and properly dispose of their waste to maintain cleanliness and prevent environmental contamination.

Don't Let Your Dog Off-Leash in Unfamiliar Areas: Keep your dog on a leash in unfamiliar or unsecured areas to prevent them from running off or getting lost.